These questions are about what you have read in the decision aid. You can always review the information again or discuss it with your doctor or specialist nurse. Don't worry if you fill in something wrong, these questions are only meant to check if you understand the most important information.

1. Ovarian cancer often causes early symptoms

True       False
This answer is not correct. Ovarian cancer usually causes few or only vague symptoms in the beginning.
This answer is correct. Ovarian cancer usually causes few or only vague symptoms in the beginning.

2. Ovarian cancer can be detected in an early stage with extra examinations

True       False
This answer is correct. Ovarian cancer cannot yet be detected at an early stage. Regular examination of the ovaries with ultrasounds and measuring blood values (CA-125) does not work.
This answer is not correct. Ovarian cancer cannot yet be detected at an early stage. Regular examination of the ovaries with ultrasounds and measuring blood values (CA-125) does not work.

3. The risk of me getting ovarian cancer in my lifetime is about 35-45%

True       False
This answer is correct. Of 100 women with a BRCA1 mutation, about 35 to 45 will develop ovarian cancer if surgery is not performed.
This answer is not correct. Of 100 women with a BRCA1 mutation, about 35 to 45 will develop ovarian cancer if surgery is not performed.

4. Removal of the fallopian tubes and ovaries between the ages of 35 and 40 greatly reduces the risk of ovarian cancer

True       False
This answer is correct. Removal of the fallopian tubes and ovaries has been proven to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer by about 96%.
This answer is not correct. Removal of the fallopian tubes and ovaries has been proven to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer by about 96%.

5. Ovarian cancer seems to originate in the fallopian tubes most often

True       False
This answer is correct. The most common type seems to arise in the fallopian tubes. We do not yet know whether the other types of ovarian cancer also arise in the fallopian tubes.
This answer is not correct. The most common type seems to arise in the fallopian tubes. We do not yet know whether the other types of ovarian cancer also arise in the fallopian tubes.

6. Removal of the ovaries immediately leads to (early) menopause

True       False
This answer is correct. The ovaries produce hormones. When the ovaries are removed, the production of hormones stops. Thus, a woman goes into menopause immediately after the removal of the ovaries.
This answer is not correct. The ovaries produce hormones. When the ovaries are removed, the production of hormones stops. Thus, a woman goes into menopause immediately after the removal of the ovaries.

7. Menopause does not cause symptoms

True       False
This answer is not correct. To what extent menopause bothers women is different for each woman. Most women do have some symptoms of menopause. Symptoms associated with menopause include: hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, mood swings and sexual problems.
This answer is correct. To what extent menopause bothers women is different for each woman. Most women do have some symptoms of menopause. Symptoms associated with menopause include: hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, mood swings and sexual problems.

8. Hormone replacement can reduce the symptoms and effects of menopause

True       False
This answer is correct. Hormone replacement can reduce the symptoms of menopause. But they do not work as well as your own body's hormones. The effects of early menopause later in life can be reduced with hormone replacement.
This answer is not correct. Hormone replacement can reduce the symptoms of menopause. But they do not work as well as your own body's hormones. The effects of early menopause later in life can be reduced with hormone replacement.

9. Hormone replacement is advised after removal of the fallopian tubes only

True       False
This answer is not correct. The fallopian tubes do not play a role in the production of hormones. Your ovaries still produce hormones after the removal of the fallopian tubes. Therefore, after the removal of the fallopian tubes, you will not go into menopause. Therefore, you do not need to use hormone replacement.
This answer is correct. The fallopian tubes do not play a role in the production of hormones. Your ovaries still produce hormones after the removal of the fallopian tubes. Therefore, after the removal of the fallopian tubes, you will not go into menopause. Therefore, you do not need to use hormone replacement.


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